Upload files by 3:00pm, printing happens the next day,
then delivery the following day.
In the printing industry they used to say, “Quality, Price, Speed, pick two.” Well now you can have all three – great quality, a great price and with print and delivery in two days – speed!
You can call them a lot of different names – flyers, slicks, sales sheets, one sheets, case study sheets, hand-outs, but whatever you call them, they’ll work for you to boost your brand, convey information, drive web traffic, and sell your products or services!

Upload your print ready files and we’ll take care of the rest.
To be print ready, files need to be sized at 8.5” x 11” download template and 300 dpi (dots or pixels) per inch resolution. PDF, PNG and JPG file formats are acceptable. Files will not be scaled or sized.
If a graphic, photo, or background color is intended to go to the edge of the 8.5” x 11” finished sheet, the artwork needs to actually extend .125” beyond what would be the edge of the document. This is called a bleed. For a file with bleeds, you would need to make your document 8.75” (.125” bleed on left, 8.5” for the document and .125” on right) x 11.25” (.125” on top, 11” for the document, and .125” on the bottom). Your document is printed on larger paper and then the bleeds are trimmed off to create a nice clean edge with your images going right to the edge. Files can be provided with or without trim marks.
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